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Wharton students offer hope to

Two students at Wharton Business School have developed a product that they claim will stop people sending embarrassing texts while drunk

By  Ania Zymelka

Sun Feb 8 2009

Harry Kubiak and Roger Barry say their idea was triggered by the painful personal experience of “drunk texting”, the embarrassing practice of sending text messages to colleagues, family-members and ex-boyfriends or girlfriends at three o’clock in the morning after a session at a late night bar.

Their proposed solution to the spreading epidemic, a system called NoText, allows you to block all the numbers that you do not want to send a text to after a certain time at night.

The two inventors are convinced that the market is more than ready for the new product, and they are currently looking for a full-time CEO for the company.

In addition to preventing serious personal embarrassment, the scheme could also become a potential professional investment, as one unlucky student points out. After having had one or two drinks too many one fateful night, he sent a text to his new boss in which he wished him death in very unequivocal terms. NoText, he proclaims, would have probably saved his career.

Students are not the only ones affected. Potential customers of NoText include an academic whose text message to a colleague suggesting that they should “just re-use last year’s exams” found its way to students’ mobiles.

Read more “drunk text” stories and find out how Kubiak and Barry are trying to market their idea




