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Real Coronavirus Stories: ESMT Berlin

Jon Charles Gore, a full-time MBA student from ESMT Berlin, says taking several key steps helps him maintain his mental and physical health while studying online

Sat Mar 21 2020


Jon Charles Gore is a full-time MBA student from ESMT Berlin whose learning has moved online. He says taking several key steps help him maintain his mental and physical health. 


Going from being surrounded on campus by motivated people working towards a common goal to working remotely from home is certainly a change. This week has had its ups and downs, but the trend is positive. Each day I’ve added or pruned something from my actions that now, on Friday, I’m feeling confident and productive. Some of these include:

Moving my tasks offline onto a notepad. Social media and WhatsApp has been increasingly active compared to pre-COVID-19, so having my to-do list on my phone has become too much of a distraction. 

Exercise in the morning and walk in the evening. The roads are much quieter and it sets the tone for the beginning of the day, and wraps up the end of the day. 

Cleanliness. I’ve found I have a much lower tolerance for dirt while I’m self-quarantined. When you are cooped up somewhere dirt is harmful for your sanity. 

Water. I’ve upped my intake to five liters a day, which is definitely healthy.

All of these actions or rituals have contributed positively to my health, and were not actions that I consistently completed before the crisis. I find mixing these in with my personal projects and school work keeps me motivated longer, and allows me some good headspace. 

Student Reviews

ESMT Berlin




On Campus

Well qualified professors and great connectons with the industry

Well structured programs, great facilities and very good career development team. The alumni relations with the school are great and well maintained and fostered. Overall a great school right in the middle of Berlin.



