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Your 5-Month MBA Application Plan

Find out how to apply to a top MBA program in five months. Use this timeline to plan out your GMAT prep, essays, and recommendation letters for a successful MBA application

Tue Sep 15 2020


The 2021-2022 MBA application deadlines are out! In our BusinessBecause MBA Application Guide 2024, we list the latest deadlines for the world’s top business schools and provide you with an exclusive, step-by-step guide to a successful MBA application.

How long does it take get your MBA application ready for submission? What timeline should you work to?

Starting your application early is always best, giving you time get your materials together and target those early deadlines.

To help you make the most of your time and avoid last-minute cramming, Personal MBA Coach has put together this five-month plan.

Month 1/2: 

1. Look for virtual campus events: While visiting campuses this spring is not an option, many schools are offering online webinars and other events to give students a sense of life on campus. 

2. Develop or solidify your GMAT or GRE preparation plan: Many of you may be well underway here (or even have already completed your testing).

3. Customize your resume for your MBA applications: Your MBA resume should differ from your professional one. While you may need to tweak your resume later, we advise our clients to get most of their resume development work out of the way before essay questions are released. 

4. Fine-tune your career goals: Putting pencil to paper (so to speak) on your career goals will save you time while developing your essays.

5. Narrow down your school lists (if you have not already). Your final list may change (particularly if your GMAT/GRE score is not as you expected), but it is ideal to have an initial idea of your school list early.

6. Brainstorm essay topics; begin drafting essays. For some schools, the essay questions are not likely to change from year to year. For those, you can get started on brainstorming, outlining and editing. For other schools, you can look at past questions to get an idea of potential focus areas for each school on your list. 

7. Prepare your personal story. Think through the choices you have made in your life, what drove those choices and what makes you unique. Keep this story in mind as you outline your essays. 

8. Begin to identify potential recommenders. Think about who will write the best letters (not just who is the most impressive on paper!) and begin putting out feelers. 





