Two years behind turned an ordinary Indian techie to a global b-school blogosphere phenomenon.
Put it this way: of all the MBA bloggers in the world, very few have amassed the online fame of this former IT man. Saying fellow MBA applicants worshipped his blog is an understatement.
Readers of his blog heap praise on him as “Informative”, “resourceful” and “insightful”. A certain “thevold” who followed him for 18 months described him as an “inspiration to many”.
Also, being nominated by popular admissions advisors Clear Admit in their Best of Blogging Contest can’t hurt.
His My Journey To A B-school blog has been one of the hottest places to seek advice on GMAT preparation, financial aid, b-school entry essays and even visa complications for the past two years, until he landed a place at Goizueta Business School at Emory University and unveiled the real him.
He posted over a hundred blog entries on covering his emotional journey to America in painstaking detail. There were quality posts on his early excitements, doubts about going overseas, ways of finding financial aid and even a poem called Don’t Quit.
Under the name “quizophobic” he advised people on popular online MBA-applicant site (meaning crazy guy in Hindi).
With a GMAT score of 770, Missionmba was initially only eyeing the prestigious Indian School of Business because he “hated” the idea of doing an MBA abroad and “saw his long-term career goal” in India.
But soon Stanford School of Management, Ross Business School, The Fuqua School of Business, Tuck School of Business, Goizueta Business School (his “safety” school) and Darden School of Business all made his “dream school” list: not surprising for someone who bagged a 770 in GMAT.
A dream school according to Missionmba is: “the one that you would love to attend, but you don’t have a strong chance at getting in”. What a cruel prediction to make as quick rejections from Tuck, Fuqua and Darden piled up.
In January 2009, a month after he submitted one of his final b-school applications, Goizueta Business School threw him a lifeline with an acceptance offer as well as a full scholarship in recognition of his “impressive” academic credentials, work experience, recommendations and entrance essays.
His blog is called My Journey To A B-school. Some journey, eh?
Now enjoying the collaborative community at the Goizueta campus, Bhatnagar is one of the official Goizueta Business School student bloggers, writing on his Atlanta experiences.
In a final dramatic blog post he unveiled his true identity as Amit Bhatnagar. An undercover character? No more!
Though his Missionmba blog isn’t updated much nowadays, he does update his personal blog where his other lifetime passion, being a toastmaster, is also revealed.