Zac wanted to move to Asia—Hong Kong in particular. He had family located there already, but seeing where the world was going and considering China’s growing economy, it was somewhere he had to be. As he looked into the best schools in Asia, HKUST Business School—ranked in the top 15 of the Financial Times’ Global MBA Rankings for nine consecutive years—was an obvious choice.
Since completing his degree, he’s switched careers into consulting at Infosys and knows his MBA skills were essential to achieving his goals. He also credits Hong Kong itself, and its open atmosphere, for making his career dreams become reality.
How did the HKUST MBA help you switch careers into consulting?
The HKUST Business School MBA provided me with more business tools that I needed and sharpened my skills. We had a management consultant course that gave me a lot of tools and knowledge about how the consulting practices work.
One of the things about the school itself is that it offers you the chance to choose your own courses. So, I took courses on business strategy, marketing strategy and IT. For a consultant that diversity is important because you need a lot of knowledge of different industries.
How key was your MBA to starting a new career in Hong Kong?
Hong Kong is a bit different to Europe and US. Here, the MBA is maybe less important as a qualification, but it does give you a lot of skills and advantages over those who don’t have it.
It’s less about your resume and more about what it offers you. When it comes to tools, practices, engaging with communities, and also having a great experience it’s important. If you’re lucky enough, you’ll meet lots of people who become your friends. And if you stay here to work, you’ll have a network ready. This is great to have from the get-go as you’re trying to pursue a new career.
Why did you decide to pursue an MBA at HKUST?
I planned on an MBA for a long time before I decided to go to HKUST. It was natural step in my career as business was my passion.
Knowing I wanted to come to Asia, it became an easy choice as HKUST was the best school. I checked other schools and curriculums and saw that HKUST offered a mix of great professors, more practical schooling, a focus on the Asian economy, and subjects that could help me.
What were your career goals going into it?
I had worked in many industries before HKUST—the army, supply chain and business development for investment banks before I got into Law. I really wanted to focus on business and use my past experience wrapped up with new tools and skills and do something utilizing it all.
I knew coming to Asia opens a lot of doors if you want to engage with industries and communities. The beauty of Hong Kong is that it’s all open for you. If you’re interested in a different industry, you can just go and try it out. The city offers you so much.
What advice do you have for anyone considering an MBA?
Know where you want to go and why you want to be there. Think about where you want to be in the next four or five years, then think back from that point. If you think an MBA can help, particularly the school, professors, and engagement with the business community, go for it.
For me, the MBA was an amazing experience and I met great people there. I had a plan and I’m happy with the place that I’m in now. HKUST Business School helped me get there.
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