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7 Famous Professors Teaching At Business School

From former politicians to best-selling authors, here are seven famous professors who you might come across at business school

Thu Jan 14 2021


When you’re investing in business school, you’re investing in access to some of the best educators in the world. The more renowned the business school, the more likely they are to attract some of the best in the industry to impart their knowledge and experience. 

If you’re coming to learn about finance, management, and leadership, who better to teach you than leading economists, executives at multinationals, and former politicians? 

Here are seven famous professors who you might find teaching you at business school: 

1. Bozoma Saint John

Netflix Chief Marketing Officer

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Where: Harvard Business School

Netflix chief marketing officer Bozoma Saint John is bringing her much celebrated leadership style to Harvard Business School, in a short intensive program (SIP) which HBS offers MBA students between semesters. 

Bozoma lends a wealth of experience, having headed up marketing at Beats, before moving to become head of global consumer marketing at Apple Music. She had a brief stint at Uber as chief brand officer. She was appointed CMO at Netflix in June 2020.

The course, titled ‘Anatomy of a Badass’, centers around embracing who you are as a leader, with authenticity and vulnerability. The name is taken from Bozoma’s Instagram handle ‘@badassboz’.

2. Condoleezza Rice

Former US Secretary of State


©Max Morse | TechCrunch

Where: Stanford Graduate School of Business

Once the right hand woman of President George W Bush, Condoleezza Rice has switched the White House for another esteemed US institution—Stanford Graduate School of Business—where she is director of the Global Center for Business and the Economy.

Stanford MBAs can learn from the first female African-American Secretary of State, and the first female National Security Advisor. Alongside her role at Stanford GSB, Condoleezza was recently appointed director of Stanford-based think tank the Hoover Institute. 

3. Scott Galloway

Author & podcaster

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Where: NYU Stern School of Business

NYU Stern professor of marketing Scott Galloway has built quite a following, through popular podcast ‘Pivot’, which offers ‘sharp, unfiltered insights into the biggest stories in tech, business, and politics’. 

Scott’s also become a vocal campaigner for tightening antitrust laws around big tech companies. His book, ‘The Four’, examines how Apple, Amazon, Facebook, and Google have grown to their current size, and what the consequences of that is. 

4. Dominic Barton

Former McKinsey managing director, Canadian ambassador to China


© World Economic Forum via Flickr

Where: Tsinghua University School of Economics and Management

For those looking to get into consulting, there’s no better professor than Dominic Barton, former managing director of McKinsey & Company. Dominic teaches on the Leadership in a New Era program at Tsinghua University SEM, co-hosted by McKinsey. 

Dominic is actually now the Canadian ambassador to China, meaning he can bring both his global consulting experience and knowledge of geopolitics to the classroom. 

5. Shoshana Zuboff

Author of ‘The Age of Surveillance Capitalism’

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Where: Harvard Business School

Shoshana Zuboff is a stalwart at HBS, where in 1981 she became one of the first female professors to hold tenure. 

Shoshana has recently surged to fame with her writings on surveillance capitalism, the economic system based on the commodification of data by tech companies. She has spoken publicly about many of the political, economic, and social implications of this, even featuring on Netflix’s documentary ‘The Social Dilemma’. 

6. Lynda Gratton

Author & management thinker


©Mattias Nutt

Where: London Business School

If you’re a student of organizational behavior, you’ll know Lynda Gratton. Lynda has taught at London Business School for thirty years as a professor of management practice, as well as LBS’ founding director of the Lehman Centre for Women in Business. 

Her books ‘The 100-Year Life’ and ‘The Shift’ have raised her profile as one of the world’s leading management thinkers, a mainstay in the Thinkers50 Rankings and currently a fellow at the World Economic Forum.   

7. HR McMaster

Former National Security Advisor


©Kuhlman | MSC

Where: Stanford Graduate School of Business

Resigning as President Trump’s National Security Advisor ranks among HR McMaster’s personal achievements, as well as occupying some of the most senior positions in the US Army. 

He replaced Michael Flynn as Trump’s National Security Advisor, although resigned within a year following disagreements over Trump’s approach to Iran, Russia, and North Korea. He has now joined Stanford GSB as a lecturer in management. 

READ MORE: 5 Famous MBAs Who Have Changed The World

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