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Average GMAT Scores For The World’s Top MBA Programs

What GMAT Focus Edition score do you need to get into a top MBA? Check out the average GMAT scores for the world’s top MBA programs

Wed Feb 7 2024

The GMAT is the world's premier business school admissions test, measuring your readiness for the academic demands of an MBA program.

Your skills are put to the test throughout the 2-hour and 15-minute exam, which assesses your abilities in three areas: Quantitative Reasoning, Verbal Reasoning, and Data Insights. Scoring high on the GMAT Focus Edition will make a good case for you to earn a seat on a top MBA.

So, what is a good GMAT Focus Edition score for an MBA program? A good idea is to aim for the average score of the MBA class you want to get into. To help you out, each year BusinessBecause highlights the average GMAT scores for the world's top MBA programs.

This year saw a change to the GMAT scoring system. Alongside an updated exam structure, the GMAT Focus Edition still sees test-takers graded in 10-point intervals, but with the minimum score being 205 and the maximum score being 805 (a change from the previous range of 200-800). This is effective from February 1st, 2024.

To reflect this change, when we discuss average GMAT Focus Edition scores below, we quote the 2023 scores as reported by schools, with a GMAT Focus Edition score range beside them. These score ranges are based on their relative competitiveness to the 2023 scores according to this GMAT Focus Edition concordance chart and are not a direct conversion of the scores.

US schools: Average GMAT scores for Stanford, Harvard & more

Each year, Stanford cements its place as one of the best MBA programs, proved primarily by the quality of its candidates....

3, the average GMAT score for Stanford is 737 (roughly as competitive as scores from 675-685 in the updated GMAT Focus Edition scoring system), the highest among the top MBA programs.

The average score for New York University Stern School of Business is 733 (675-685), giving it the second-highest score. That’s slightly higher than in 2022 when NYU Stern MBAs averaged a score of 729 (665-685). 

Harvard Business School, a member of the prestigious M7 along with Stanford, narrowly comes in third with a score of 730 (675-685). MIT Sloan ties in third with the same GMAT score as Harvard Business School, at 730 (675-685). It should be noted that Harvard provides a median GMAT score. 

They are followed by Columbia Business School–which is the top-ranked school in 2023–with a score of 729 (665-685). This is the same average GMAT as the University of California, Berkeley Haas School of Business, the Northwestern University Kellogg School of Management, and the University of Chicago Booth School of Business. 

The majority of the top US schools have average GMAT Focus Edition scores of 645 and above in the new scoring system. The average GMAT score for Dartmouth College’s Tuck School of Business is 726 (665-685), Yale School of Management has a median score of 725 (665-685), MBAs at Duke University’s Fuqua School of Business average 718 (655-675), while the University of Virginia Darden School of Business sees MBAs typically score 716 (665-675).


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Average GMAT scores have either remained the same or fallen by several points in 2023 at many of the top schools, with the likes of Stanford, Yale, and Chicago Booth all reporting decreased average GMAT scores. However, other highly rated schools, such as Berkeley Haas, Dartmouth Tuck, and Duke University have seen increased averages. 

It’s clear, however, that a 645+ GMAT Focus Edition score—in other words, a score in the 89th percentile or higher—isn’t everything. Look a little closer at a school’s score range, and you get a better idea of how diverse candidate profiles can be.

Harvard and Stanford both see big GMAT ranges. In 2023, Harvard accepted students with a GMAT of 540 all the way up to 790 (approximately as competitive as a score of 785+ in the new GMAT Focus Edition scoring system, just shy of the maximum GMAT Focus Edition score). Stanford accepted candidates with scores as low as 630 in its most recent intake.

Average GMAT scores for the world's top MBAs

* The school provides a median GMAT score

** Based on 2022 data

These score ranges are based on relative competitiveness and are not a direct conversion of the 2023 scores. See the GMAC concordance chart for more information.

European & Asian MBAs: INSEAD average GMAT score & more

While high GMAT scores remain an emphasis for US MBA programs, the numbers would suggest European and Asian business schools place a smaller focus on top scores. 

Of the six non-US schools listed among the top 20, few recorded higher average GMAT scores than US schools. The highest outside of the US is the INSEAD average GMAT of 710 (as competitive as GMAT Focus Edition scores of 655-665), up from 708 in 2022, and London Business School also recorded an average score of 708, the same as last year.

France’s HEC Paris—the top-rated European business school—has an average score of 690, while IESE Business School in Spain has an average of 670 (taken from last year’s class). 

The only Asia-based program in the FT’s top 20—China’s CEIBS—scores 678, up from 667 in 2022.

What is a good GMAT Focus Edition score?

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If you're applying to a top MBA program, aim for the class average GMAT score. Average GMAT scores for MBA programs have been increasing over the years, so you'll need to be ready for the challenge. Consider your test prep options and practice GMAT Focus Edition sample questions.

At the same time, GMAT ranges vary. You don't always need to score over the 89th percentile to get accepted. But you'll need to demonstrate your quantitative ability and academic strength elsewhere in your application. You also need to show the school what unique qualities you bring to the classroom. 

A good GMAT Focus Edition score for MBA programs is important. Business schools look at your profile as a whole, but the GMAT remains an important factor.

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MBA Acceptance Rates At The World's Top Business Schools




