Vernon Tsang is a Hong Kong resident who completed his MBA at Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) in 2011. The ex-logistics professional used the part-time CUHK MBA to realise his entrepreneurial spirit.
Vernon started planning on pursuing an MBA in 2008 after` forecasts predicted that the Hong Kong market would face vigorous competition from other Chinese cities in the Pearl Delta region.
He had been working in the logistics Industry for more than seven years. His expertise included a role at the French logistics firm Herport, working as the operations manager, helping to build and oversee pricing systems, liaising with ocean liners, airlines and overseas offices, and reviewing overall performance.
For Vernon the most significant part of his experience was “the entrepreneurial skill-set which I acquired during the program”. During the two years of study, “I was enlightened by my professors and this ignited my entrepreneurial spirit”.
“I discovered how to choose and evaluate projects, how to roll them out, and how to market them to attract potential investors amongst many other things...this was a whole new area which I would not have been able to reach if I had not studied the CUMBA”.
Vernon was also able to indulge his competitive streak by taking full advantage of business challenges for MBA students while at CUHK. He was part of the team that won the Young Entrepreneurs Development (YDC) E-challenge. The YDC is a non-profit organization established by home-grown entrepreneurs and professionals who believe that nurturing an entrepreneurial spirit holds the key to helping young people in Hong Kong achieve their life’s potential.
The winning business idea was a simulator for medical training and surgery rehearsal, which originated from a research project by CUHK’s Department of Computer Science.
Since completing his MBA, Vernon has been working in the oil and gas industry. At the same time, he is seeking opportunities to start his own business. If all goes to plan, within 8 to 10 years, he will have rolled out the business plan that won him the YDC E-Challenge and have it listed on the Hong Kong Hang Seng!
Student Reviews