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Careers In Consulting Guide | Is Consulting The Right Career For You?

Careers in consulting are consistently popular, but is it the right path for you? Download our guide to discover what salaries and opportunities business school grads can expect

Tue May 14 2024

Download the free BusinessBecause Careers In Consulting Guide, in which we explore what you can expect from this popular business career path.

Inside, you’ll find a breakdown of the average salaries for both master’s and MBA grads with major companies such as McKinsey, BCG, and Bain, internship opportunities, the skills needed to enter the industry—as well as our informed take on the best modules to study in order to optimize your degree. 

Plus, we also have unmissable tips and expert advice from consulting graduates and industry recruiters on how to land your dream consulting job. 

Is A Career In Consulting Right For You?


Download Our Free Careers In Consulting Guide

Careers In Consulting: 5 Top Skills 

1. Problem solving

Problem solving is at the heart of everything you do as a consultant. Each project focuses on a unique client problem. Once a project is complete, it’s quickly on to the next one, often with a new client operating in a different industry. This means you’re constantly required to find new ways to solve complex issues. 

2. Analytical thinking 

Consulting projects are research-intensive. Alongside speaking with stakeholders, consultants must dig into relevant datasets to find key insights. Strong analytical skills help you drive the pace of a project as you can efficiently sift through information, find out why a client is facing an issue, and identify how it can be resolved. 

3. Fast learning

To ensure they’re providing value to their clients, consultants must quickly become subject experts when beginning a new project. This involves learning the intricacies of a company, its practices, and the industry. Foundational business knowledge is essential, which is why consultancies value the broad business acumen and transferable skills of MBA graduates. 

4. Impact thinking

Consultants can have a large impact on their client companies as they work with them to solve their problems. The ability to empathize with client needs and strive to make an impact on their performance is therefore at the heart of a consultant’s work. 

5. Communication

Last, but certainly not least, the ability to communicate effectively is integral when working with clients on demanding projects. Consultants hold meetings, present strategies, and interact with various stakeholders on a regular basis. Effective communication is key to maintaining successful working relationships.

Find out more about the skills needed to land a role in consulting, as well as job opportunities, salaries, and expert advice, by downloading our free Careers In Consulting Guide.