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VIDEO: Startup FAQ | What Should I Do If I Don't Have Any Ideas?

Starting your own business is something that many people crave or aspire to. But what should you do if you don't have any good ideas? We put a Startup FAQ to our panel of experts

Tue Feb 4 2020

Everyone wants to be in the room when the next Facebook, Twitter, or Uber is launched. All of them are simple solutions or ideas; but all of them multi-billion dollar ideas. But what if you don't have an idea like this? 

In this Startup FAQ, we ask: I want to be an entrepreneur, but don't have any ideas. What should I do?


The question really split opinion among our experts.

In the red corner, EMLYON alum Biju Menon asserts that the idea is everything—without it, entrepreneurship can't exist. If you haven't got an idea, then it's probably a good idea to focus on something else, until you do come up with an idea. 

In the blue corner, London Business School MBA grad Gerhard Grueter, reckons this is the best place to start. He started with a blank page, and built it up from there. 

In our Startup FAQ series, we pose frequently asked questions from Reddit and Quora about entrepreneurship to successful entrepreneurs and business school experts.




