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How I Used My MBA To Switch Into Consulting

Nhung Hoang changed location, industry, and function after her MBA at Emlyon Business School, starting an exciting new career in consulting


Fri Jul 24 2020

Nhung Hoang knew she'd made a big decision when with her husband she decided to to start a new life in France, leaving behind a job in the Netherlands and starting fresh.   

As well as the excitement of learning a new language and immersing herself in a new culture, Nhung felt the move could be the push she needed to change her career direction.  

After three years as a senior purchaser and inventory planner for Dutch computer hardware company, Supermicro, she wanted to move into consulting, specifically focused on the management of international supply chains.   

Aonline search later and she landed on the International MBA from Emlyon Business Schoolchoosing to pursue the MBA’s International Strategy and New Venture Management track.   

Why an MBA? 

Nhung (pictured) already had a Master’s in International Business and Economics from Utrecht University in the Netherlands, but to make her transition into a new job market easier, she decided to apply to MBA programs in France.  2b3434c8522652f9eb70ba8a223e00a63981c723.png    

Nhung felt her prior skillset was lacking when it came to management and leadership skills needed for a career in consulting. She wanted to be an appealing candidate for more senior positions, so addressing these weaker areas of her skillset was essential.   

Although she already had the theoretical knowledge of macroeconomics in business, she says the Emlyon MBA put this into context. How does the macroeconomy impact international businesses? How do you adapt an international business to survive macroeconomic volatility?   

“I wanted to improve my professional reputation,” she explains. “I also want to launch my own international business one day. I would love to have some experience in the local French job market, and see how they’ve been faring compared to the rest of the world.  

Knowing how to be a good leader––working across Europe and Asia––is essential to that. With this in mind, I knew an MBA would be perfect.”  

While at Emlyon, Nhung studied alongside people from all different backgrounds. She says she enjoyed learning from their prior experiences as they learned from hers.   

The IMBA pushed her out of her comfort zone, she adds. Nhung previously didn’t have confidence with public speaking. She admits that, while class exercises where she had to present one-minute pitches to sell a particular product or win over the majority to her idea were daunting, being thrown in the deep end helped her become far more confident in public speaking going forward.   

“Before the MBA, I never would have thought I could do that,” Nhung says. “It helped me realize that, if I could do that, what’s stopping me from stepping out of my comfort zone going forward in my career?”  


MBA to consulting 

After completing her MBA, Nhung landed a consultant job at French furniture company, Fermob. Instead of focusing solely on procurement, Nhung was analyzing the whole supply chain process, identifying the problem areas and presenting solutions.   

“Working on a consulting project for Fermob, my job was to suggest ways to improve the supply chain process––especially seeing as this company works with vendors all over the world. I was there to help them figure out how they can meet the current demands of the market.”  

She conducted full supply chain diagnostics, advising Fermob on how best to improve the efficiency of their supply chain operations both in the short and long-term.   

“I helped them develop a clear strategy to help reduce supply chain costs and manage sustainably, even in a period of uncertainty like we’re now seeing with the pandemic,” Nhung explains.   

Now, Nhung says she’s excited for the next chapter of her consulting career. She plans to stay in the industry and continue working with French companies to optimize the performance of their international supply chains.   

Student Reviews

emlyon business school




On Campus

Intense courses, helpful professors

I am an international student in my 3rd year and I love going to this school and do not regret chosing it for my BBA. The classes are helpful, professors are always there to help as well and we have a very understanding administration.




On Campus

Leadership in an amazing city

I decided to do my exchange in Emlyon because I wanted to get out of my comfort zone, and I found a space with very capable People.. participatory, empathetic and full of leadership. I will never forget Lyon, apart from giving me an unforgettable experience, he gave me great friends




On Campus

A lot of opportunities professionally and socially. A unique program in France.

You can choose your courses and do your internship, exchange whenever you want. It's flexible and adapted to the needs of each student. A great program and a great city! Professionally, it opens a lot of doors for you to find internships or jobs in France or abroad thanks to the network and career events.




MSc in Digital Marketing

Combining both worlds into one, this course gave me all the on-demand technical skills in data science while maintaining a business-oriented approach. Thanks to the strong academic profile of this university I was able to secure an internship and full-time job at Amazon.




Top Business School fostering innovative entrepreneurs

EMLyon is one of the best business schools. The campuses, associations and courses offered provide the students with the best options to build the future they have chosen. The various opportunities to study and work abroad also offer a deeper understanding of the world, not only economy-wise but social, which helps the student become as well a better individual and not only a pre-formated business school student.




Emlyon campus in Paris

It has a great international community and you have access to many international tools, courses and professors. I had many networking events and workshops for students. Campus and some details of the program could have been improved or need to be bigger in order to have a better student life.




On Campus


Overall good content and good activities. Lack of administration but still ok. Good flexibility and liberty offered to the students. Finally, the amount of internship is also a good way to improve qualifications.




Good Reputation and International Business School

The course was not well adapted but it was up to the mark. The professors are very well experienced and their experience comes in handy while working on assignments. The facilities on the campus are top class. Truly professional. I really like spending time in the learning hub and using all the available resources. Lyon is an amazing city. You will never get bored.




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MSc International Hospitality Management

The best educational experience of my life so far! It’s been full of exposure and great connections. From Lyon to London, Paris, Los Angeles and Las Vegas! Truly an exceptional way to discover the world of hospitality.




On Campus

Real networking opportunities

- meeting new people, specially professionals during seminars or evening meeting at school. - going abroad to study luxury - being involved as an ambassador to promote the school and the program I was into (MSc LMM) - having such a great professional core




On Campus

white baccalaureate in the world of work

I really appreciated the MS SDAI as a whole. The teaching staff, the different subjects, the university exchange, TEM... I started my internship in a consulting firm having acquired a solid foundation. Downside for CentraleSupélec, which I found far too academic for a program such as this.