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Blackberry Buddies with Stelios

Any billionaire who doesn’t run you over with his Hummer is a really nice guy, right? Well, Easyjet Stelios really is nice


Tue May 12 2009

I’ve been sticking my blackberry in everyone's face this week, showing them an actual series of actual emails I exchanged with the famous Stelios of Easyjet.  I’ve talked to a few business leaders in the last few years, but never have I bagged a CEO into my phonebook and started up email banter.

It says more about Stelios than me.  He’s truly approachable. He hangs out with the masses. He travels on public transport. He even flies other airlines than Easyjet: he calls it "market research”. 

So how did Stelios and I become email buddies, and what snippets of information can I pass along for aspiring entrepreneurs?   It was a hot Saturday night in May in Dubai.  I’d flown in from London that morning, donned a party frock (had to compete with the Russian girls) and headed to the chichi Buddha Bar with friends. The place was heaving. So much for the financial gloom in the region. Expats were moaning that Dubai’s gone broke, that it’s bank-rolled by its oil-rich neighbour Abu Dhabi, that construction is faltering, tourism is dropping away and property prices are tumbling.    But people were still dropping 200 dollars a head for (excellent) sashimi in the crowded and lofty restaurant by the Marina. Including Stelios and his entourage who were at the next door table.

I’m not very good at recognizing famous people, but fortunately I had my celebrity-spotter friend Cameron with me.  He made some kind of pincer movement at Stelios and shoved him in my direction: the poor guy didn’t have a chance to politely escape.  I bounced up and babbled about reading an article recently on him and Cass Business School.    Coincidentally, Stelios was in Dubai to speak at a Cass conference at the Dubai International Finance Centre (DIFC) the next morning. I asked if I could go and he said: “Yes, it starts at 10am, meet me at 9.45am”.

To cement the deal I sent Stelios a quick message from my blackberry and we started a little discourse across our tables.   I glanced over at him a few times through dessert.  A serial entrepreneur and a serial blackberry addict.  He obviously likes to be connected, to stay in touch.  And he certainly understands the dramatic impact of the blackberry: he attributes the failure of one of his businesses - EasyInternetCafe – to the evolution of hand-held email devices.  People didn’t need high street internet shops once they could get online so cheaply from a mobile phone.

 I roll out of bed at 9am on a Sunday morning, Day 2 of my supposed holiday weekend, and hailed a cab to the DIFC.  The event was pretty flashy, attended by the current MBA and EMBA class of London’s Cass Business School – all on a four-day trip to Dubai.  There’s a write-up of the talk on the Cass website: but here are five insights from a serial, and successful, entrepreneur:

  1. Only take risks you can afford to lose.
  2. There’s nothing wrong with copying a good idea.
  3. Airlines create brands.
  4. A well-run business shouldn’t have to choose between profits and environmental responsibility. When you’re all cramped up on an Easyjet flight, think of it as a favour to the environment.
  5. The current crisis is more like a super-tanker than a speed-boat. It will take a while to turn around.

For someone who toyed with the idea of naming his airline StelAir (before he settled on Easyjet), Stelios was surprisingly self-deprecating and down-to-earth. I didn’t get a chance to say goodbye as he was whisked off to a site for a possible EasyHotel in Dubai.  But we’ve stayed in touch on our blackberries and maybe I’ll see him, if not in Monaco where he lives, then in London, where he’s dipping his toe back into property investments.

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Learning environment

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I liked that each class had a manageable number of learners, making the professor-learner ratio favor knowledge acquisition. I also liked that study schedules were manageable, and not overwhelming. The focus on talents and gifts even within the learning environment makes it possible for learners to achieve the best of their potential, and this has worked to the advantage of those that have schooled at City, University of London




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The diversity at City University facilitates interactions and is a direction toward the unity of the world. The classes are well built to match the number and needs of all students regardless of the elements of diversity that set people apart. The use of technology in delivery makes learning even more interesting and achievable. At City University there is no distinction pegged on the issues that make people unique.




On Campus


The team of lecturers at the Uiversity are well experienced. Their level of insight and the methodologies of delivery works for the interes of the leaeners. My learning experience was largely boosted by the level of knowledge of the professors at the institution, and their passion to transfer the same to learners. I appreciate every class I attended because of the level of insight I was able to gather




On Campus

The best university I’ve been to

The campus and the people I've met have made it a wonderful experience. I was reared in a small town with a graduating class of only 88 individuals, so moving to City University was a huge adjustment for me. My dorm has more residents than my whole high school combined! I enjoy the atmosphere here, and everyone is so friendly. Outstanding academic options and a stunning campus. Really great from beginning to end. The educators genuinely love what they do, and the students are ready to learn. On or around college, there is always something to do with friends, and the social scene is particularly warm.




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Bayes Business School

As a student at City university attending Bayes Business School I would totally recommend choosing this university as the experience is exceptional with great social networking opportunities . Professors are significantly helpful, delivering with excellence and professionalism. Everyone is happy to help and make you feel welcomed in such an esteem university as City, offering exceptional development and guidance through out the course.




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Economics and Politics

Incredibly amazing university, the way they polish students and help them boost their morale and think intellectually is worthwhile. Many universities have international partnerships to allow exchanges between their students. The most obvious subjects for these opportunities would be those that involve languages, and the study of people and places.




On Campus

Clinical biology

I really like it it’s perfect for me with not too many people and not too few either. All the modules are amazing. I love the toy bar. I love all the societies that I’ma part of. Especially the colour Bollywood society




