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Meet The Business School Entrepreneur Leading The Fight Against WiFi Radiation

David Migliacci has helped develop ElectroSmart, an app that provides warnings if you’re at risk of too much wireless radiation

By  Elle Ayres

Wed Nov 28 2018

Our lives are dominated by our smartphones. When we arrive in cafés, restaurants, or bars, one of the first things we do is ask for the Wi-Fi password.  

But, have you ever thought about the impact exposure to wireless tech may be having on your health?

David Migliacci has. An MSc Digital Business graduate from SKEMA Business School, he has helped to develop the app ElectroSmart, which provides a warning if you’re in a wireless radiation hotspot and helps you to measure your exposure to wireless radiation in different locations.

The venture was David’s response to the increasing suspicion concerning the potential harm that the electromagnetic (EMF) waves—which wireless devices produce—can have.  

The business and entrepreneurial acumen David needed to help develop ElectroSmart was cultivated during his time at SKEMA, he says.

When David was studying two years ago, SKEMA Business School was the only one in France to offer an MSc in Digital Business. This was the crucial element when it came to him choosing the best school for him.

“I wanted to work in digital because it’s not a field, everything is digital now!” he explains.

David says that studying at SKEMA Business School gave him the confidence to work on ElectroSmart and advance his entrepreneurial career.

It helped him to understand the digital economy, he explains, which is very different to traditional business. The program, he adds, developed not just his technical understanding, but also his ability to approach his entrepreneurial venture with a strategically-savvy mindset.

The timing was perfect for David as well. “SKEMA was a school growing in an upwards direction and I liked the idea of growing with the school,” he explains.

David also says that it was the ethos of the school—to be interested in everything and try new things—that encouraged him through his studies and to embark on his subsequent entrepreneurial career.

His biggest advice to those graduating from business school? “Be curious,” he answers.

“Many people think that they need to become part of a big company once they’ve finished studying, but it’s important to remain open to all kinds of opportunities.”

Our understanding of the true impact of wireless radiation is still in its nascent stages—David is therefore in an area of business that satisfies his curiosity.

People complaining of headaches and disrupted sleep upon exposure to EMF waves is common. The World Health Organisation (WHO) also says that it is ‘important to recognize the plight of people suffering from these symptoms’, despite the lack of conclusive evidence upon the harmful effects.   

David describes sensitivity to the waves as similar to sunlight, with some people suffering whilst others are less prone to negative effects.

“We need to control our interaction with wireless technologies like Wi-Fi, as well as adapting to them so that we can coexist healthily," he continues.

This building interest in the effects of wireless radiation will undoubtedly have knock-on effects in the business world.

According to David, the telecoms industry is split in its response to the research.

“There are extremists on both sides, some people are very closed minded, but others are talking to us and watching what’s happening,” David concludes. “If customers are asking for it then they need to adapt.”



