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Inside View: Boston Consulting Group Analyst Intern

Hear Christina Han's account of interning for BCG in Shanghai


Fri Feb 19 2010

Company: Boston Consulting Group

Industry: Consulting    

City: Shanghai


Role: Intern Analyst


The main objective in this job in one sentence: Research data and analyze industries to provide solutions for our clients

A typical day: Starts with checking emails from my supervisor and then do the tasks asked by him, including searching information, interviewing experts and translating powerpoint    

Remuneration: Around 150-200RMB (22-30USD) per day     

Application process: Consulting companies usually ask you to mail your CV along with other certificates to the company    

Cost of living: I live on campus, which is also in Shanghai. So they don’t need to provide accommodation. The only cost will be transportation and meal expenses, which are on myself

: The lifestyle for interns is OK. But for full time consultants, it would be a lot tougher, especially when you are booked on a challenging case

Next career step: I’m still studying for my master’s degree. Well, for long-term career plan, I will start with a good investment bank



