As an undergraduate business student, I have encountered numerous textbooks covering various business, management, leadership, organization, and operations subjects. Sadly, most fail to leave a substantial impression or convey a central message. I find operational and organizational textbooks encyclopedic in that they present information and quickly move on to the next topic; no absorption or practical understanding takes place.
“Manage to Lead: Seven Truths to Help You Change the World” is pioneering a new age in textbooks, through Peter DiGiammarino’s new, creative style that makes points and then brings them to life. It is immediately useful.
This lively yet simple text encourages students to actively learn, as opposed to passively skimming text. The active aspect of this workbook stimulates full absorption of information while engaging the reader in a way that makes the textbook enjoyable, and not at all a chore, to read.
Contemporary textbooks, while packed full with knowledge and few activities or examples, are not conducive with long-term absorption. Manage to Lead promotes active learning and successfully drives home core ideas through reader participation.
While revolutionary in softcover, Manage to Lead, in its interactive digital content form stimulates active learning to an even greater degree. Although either medium will produce terrific results and change the way students learn and teachers educate, the digital version unleashes the true power of this text. Peter DiGiammarino combines textbook lessons and messages using a new practical, interactive platform that engenders active learning.
By engaging the student in this informative, simple way, Manage to Lead ensures that the reader fully understands the topic by invoking active participation throughout the text - such as selecting a company to analyze throughout the lessons of the workbook to use as a practical example of real-world problems and solutions.
Advantages of the interactive, digital version:
· Syncs between devices in real time, regardless of one’s Mac, PC, and mobile device preference.
· Includes self-assessments and work problems which help ensure that material is being actively learned as opposed to being mindlessly skimmed.
· Allows users to record notes in the text itself while reading or in class; notes are easily shared with instructors and classmates, and in real-time to support running discussions as desired. Particularly helpful notes can be starred for easy reference later.
· Allows highlighting, search, glossary look-up, private or public annotations, animation, slideshows, puzzles and social media sharing.
· Links to templates and tools that can be filled out to put content to use as soon as it is learned.
· All future edits and additions are automatically pushed to readers as soon as they become available forever.
But Manage to Lead is more than just a resource for students. Its content on organization change and growth will be beneficial throughout a career, right through to being on an executive team. Manage to Lead turns a daunting and threatening challenge to change in a new, interactive format that allows the reader to see how change and growth can occur firsthand in a less intimidating manner.
The material and information presented by Peter DiGiammarino is unlike anything I have experienced in all my years of business school. Additionally, this new material is presented in an ingenious, active format that adds further credibility and appeal to this workbook.
I strongly recommend this workbook to students, teachers, or professionals; it contains information that can be used by all. To sign up for a 90-minute Manage to Lead webinar summary and workshop on September 25th, visit To purchase Manage to Lead in softcover or as electronic digital content visit
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