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WEBINAR: What Can You Get From A Top MSc In Management Program?

Deciding between a management degree or going straight into the world of work? In this webinar, we look at what you can from a top MSc in Management

Wed Jan 22 2020

You've graduated from your bachelor's, and you're headed for a business career. But you have two options. Either you can plunge straight into the world of work, or you can invest more time in your education with a management degree. 

In this BusinessBecause Presents webinar, our senior writer Thomas Nugent speaks to students and faculty from Singapore Management University (SMU) Lee Kong Chian School of Business, who tell us what you stand to gain from a MSc in Management. 


Joshua Sim - Manager, Recruitment & Admissions at Lee Kong Chian School of Business, Singapore Management University

Jennifer Kim - current MSc in Management student at Lee Kong Chian School of Business, Singapore Management University

Pablo Castra - graduate from the MSc in Management at Lee Kong Chian School of Business, Singapore Management University

Thomas Nugent - Senior Writer, BusinessBecause


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Student Reviews

Singapore Management University - Lee Kong Chian School of Business




On Campus

A Peek Behind SMU

Located in the middle of the Central Business District, SMU is surrounded by a plethora of different bars and restaurants to try. Unlike its other counterparts, all buildings are within a walkable distance of each other. However, depending on the course you do, you might find the courses incredibly engaging or somewhat dull. Most political science courses have incredible professors, however, specific mathematical or computer science courses might have duller professors absorbed in teaching high-level content, resulting in a necessity for self-learning. At the end of the day, your experience depends on the course you take and your willingness to put in the hours required for harder courses.




On Campus

Holistic Business Curriculum

Exposure to diverse range of projects train students to adopt a holistic view and experienced generalists. Weightage are allocated evenly between exams and projects so it trains students to be an all-rounded and practise good time management. Professors have real working experiences and shares valuable insights. Despite developing graduates that are competent for real jobs, SMU has yet to receive certain certifications which is a disadvantage in job application process.




Flexibility of courses

The number of courses that SMU provides is really nice. One can choose a variety of courses from various disciplines. A person can also choose their minors from different disciplines. For example one can do a Major in Economics and a 2nd major in Finance etc.



