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From A Master’s In Sustainability Management To Leading At The WWF

To celebrate Earth Day, we spotlight the story of a Master’s in Sustainability Management grad from Kogod School of Business who’s driving change at the World Wildlife Fund


Thu Apr 27 2023

If you’re attracted to a career in which you can enact real change in the world, then working in sustainability is likely to be a great path for you.

Mary Jo Snavely, a Master’s in Sustainability Management alum, always knew she wanted to pursue a socially impactful career in sustainability.

Since graduating from her business master’s degree in the US, she’s had an exciting journey that’s led to her overseeing private sector engagement at the renowned World Wildlife Fund. 

Why I chose a Master’s in Sustainability Management

Many business school students have a vague idea of what they would like to do with their career when they graduate, while others have a crystal-clear vision in mind.

Mary Jo fell into the latter category. Having already completed an undergraduate degree in environmental sciences, she knew she wanted to remain on the sustainability career path.

“I started looking for master’s programs but very few [at the time] were solely focused on sustainability,” she says.

After shortlisting a few options, she found that some programs didn’t appear invested in sustainability or prove how they could support Mary Jo with her ambitions.

“On the other hand, from speaking with Kogod School of Business, I saw a clear commitment to helping me build a career in sustainability,” she says.

Kogod is the first carbon-neutral university in the US, which reassured Mary Jo she was in the right place.

She also qualified for a merit-based scholarship, which made the experience more affordable. 

The STEM-designated MS in Sustainability Management program at American University’s Kogod School of Business can be completed entirely online or in a hybrid format. 

Learning beyond the classroom during a Master’s in Sustainability Management

Starting the Master’s in Sustainability Management with an understanding of environmental science, Mary Jo knew she needed to learn to apply this knowledge to a business setting if she was going to reach her career goals.

At Kogod, she took part in consulting practicums that taught her how to work with external organizations and grow her professional skillset.

One such project involved her working in a team to make the university’s fleet more sustainable, while another involved supporting the Washington, D.C. State Department in developing practical composting guides for their international posts. 

“These pushed me to think about the needs and challenges of other organizations and to think with a practical mindset,” she says.

The MS in Sustainability Management even hosts a capstone program in Scandinavia—a region renowned for its sustainability expertise. 

Electives are split across three tracks in the master’s degree. Business Sustainability covers topics such as sustainable finance, the Environment track features environmental law, and the final Policy track teaches students about international development. 

Meanwhile, the core curriculum includes courses on Managerial Economic and Business Strategy, Business Fundamentals, and Sustainability Management.

Embarking on a sustainability career at the World Wildlife Fund

Business school is far from being about just studying—it’s also about growing a strong professional network.

One of Mary Jo’s Kogod classmates who worked at the World Wildlife Fund told her about a new role in corporate sector engagement that had opened at the organization.

“I’d always been eager to help big companies change their sustainability footprint,” she says.

Armed with a great understanding of both environmental science and how to translate this into business language, she was successful in the interview for the role. 

She also received valuable advice from her Kogod peer, who provided insider tips on the application process for World Wildlife Fund jobs.

She started at the WWF as a coordinator for the private sector, working with major bands such as Coca-Cola.

Some of the teachings from the Master's in Sustainability Management that Mary Jo says were most helpful to feeling confident in her job include supply chain systems and greenhouse gas accounting and climate solutions. 

Mary Jo has since risen through the ranks at in her career at the World Wildlife Fund, where she’s now the director of private sector engagement. 

“The role involves understanding the full breadth of a company’s strategy, so having a business master’s in sustainability was helpful for having a bird’s eye view of the issues at play.”

Why choosing where to study a Master’s in Sustainability Management matters

You should be intentional with where you study your Master’s in Sustainability to reap the benefits of such a degree.

Mary Jo believes that there’s no better place in the US to study for a sustainability master’s than in Washington, D.C., where Kogod is based.

“The location helps you to understand the connection between sustainable business and wider global mega trends—it helps to put it all into context.”

There is an abundance of large NGOs scattered across D.C. that work on global issues, such as the American Red Cross, Oxfam America, and Salvation Army. 

Joining a business master’s in sustainability with varied courses—across data, finance, economics, strategy, and leadership—creates infinite possibilities to find a career that plays to your strengths.

“One of the best things about working in sustainability is that there’s so much innovation going on, and you can mobilize huge differences through small changes,” says Mary Jo.

Student Reviews

Kogod School of Business - American University




On Campus

Clean and well maintained campus

I am completely enamored with this school. The entire student body is driven, inclusive, and highly intelligent. The decision to attend American University is not made haphazardly. Its close proximity to Washington DC, making it one of the most strategically located schools after Georgetown, means it's just a short train ride away. The campus is well-maintained, with mostly attractive buildings, although there are a few that are less appealing. Additionally, there are numerous excellent food options available. The wide range of clubs and organizations to join is remarkable. It is undeniably a school filled with immense passion.




On Campus

City life

I’m having a wonderful time at American University. I love that I can get to a big city and still feel like a traditional campus. Sincerely, it is a school that may require some adjusting to, but in the end, it is a very good school with numerous opportunities for its students. The atmosphere in AU is so great that it pushes you in a positive way and offers every opportunity you could want.




On Campus

Amazing helpful professors

American College is an incredible school with astounding teachers. Best professors I could have asked for at an amazing school. My opinion is that American University's professors are its greatest asset. They are extremely intelligent and always eager to assist their students. They go above and beyond in their classes to make sure that their students do their best.




On Campus

AU Review

The workload is quite high and AU is definitely not an "easy" school. Students take their studies very seriously and can almost always find a group in the library, DAV, Starbucks or MGC. Courses can be quite ambitious if the right courses are offered and the admissions process can be confusing at times, but with the help of an advisor it is quite easy to navigate. The library can be crowded, and while it's not huge, there are plenty of other places to study on campus. The professors really want to help during office hours and interact with students. I've had good experiences with the professors and workload at AU, but it's an expensive city.




On Campus

Majoring in Political and International Relations

The instructors are unique and the classes can be boring at times. Check-in is stressful (but it is everywhere). The workload is what I expected. The most popular majors are international relations and political science




On Campus

I Love Being A Musical Theater Major

I love being a musical theater student, if you want to help behind the scenes, if you want to be an assistant director, if you want to be a director, if you want to write, you can do anything at this academy, very supportive, it's amazing, they are always there to help you. This is their working time. Even after the audition tells you what you did wrong, you can do better, or if you get picked, you know why they picked you, which is great




On Campus

AU's Business Model

Overall, there were a lot of good opportunities at UA, both in terms of course range and faculty. However, I had a few complete misfires. People who shouldn't have taught at all. Like all universities, AU's business model is to hire hands-on assistants so they don't have to pay them extra or perform well. They are signed and if that does not work, they are not hired any more. The problem with this is that you end up with people who are unqualified and bring their own agendas, biases that may or may not be based on research. Most of the professors were absolutely fantastic.




On Campus

AU - The Real Problem With Academics

Some teachers are amazing, some awful - typical of any school. But the real problem with AU is that many students don't care about academics as much as other things (eg, partying). The academics are really interrupted by the Greek life and the social life of the students. This makes it difficult for students interested in academics to get the most out of their school experience. Some students do not take classes seriously and do not respect teachers and other students. Courses and opportunities at UA are perfect for people who want to take advantage




On Campus

American University - The Best Place to Study

They know their stuff - I chose American University because the campus is beautiful and the biology program is relatively small. But after the first semester, I realized that all the professors, especially the people in the science department, are experts in their field. They are enthusiastic and helpful in lecturing; even the TAs who teach the labs are amazing and engaging.




On Campus

Engaging Students and Incredible Professors

I would 100% recommend this school. I am a Marine Corps Veteran and proud AU alum. NI received my BA in Comparative Politics at AU in 2017. It was engaging and worth every minute. I was constantly engaged with the material the material and was fascinated by the culture the school presented. As an older student I was nervous to go to a highly competitive college but with the culture of both student and staff it was enjoyable through and through.