Varun’s initial interest for an MBA had been drawn towards higher-ranked, Ivy League schools. At ASB, he found he could get access to this same quality of education.
ASB is partnered with MIT Sloan School of Management, with a large percentage of the course being taught by world-renowned MIT professors.
But more exciting for Varun was the opportunity to spend six weeks at the MIT campus in Boston. To make the most of it, he researched the program well, and reached out to professors early, to make sure no time was wasted.
“I had to really nail down what I wanted to get from this program, because one and a half months can pass by really quickly,” he says.
3. A book on blockchain
During the MBA, Varun set his sights on a career in technology. But technology is a vast space, and he knew had to narrow down his options slightly. “I attended almost ten conferences, to keep a tab on what was happening in the market, what were the emerging technologies, and what was the market requirement.”
Blockchain was a subject he’d always been interested in, and he quickly discovered it could be a niche where he could really apply himself and earn solid credentials. He took a few online certifications, began contributing to white papers about blockchain, and soon found himself carving out a status as a blockchain expert.
He built a solid network of mentors during his MBA, one of whom gradually persuaded him that he should apply his expertise to writing a book on blockchain consortiums (blockchain systems which are shared between different organizations).
He seized the opportunity, working for four months over the summer after he graduated, and in July 2020, ‘Blockchain Consortiums: A Comprehensive Handbook’ was published.
4. Digital expertise and a new job