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How This Business School Helps Leaders Stay One Step Ahead Through Lifelong Learning

Find out how an Italian entrepreneur has availed of MBA electives as a b-school alum to increase his company’s profits and land a senior consulting role in fintech


Mon May 13 2024

It’s never too late in life to learn something new. At least, that’s what Italian-born entrepreneur, Luca Poggiaroni, has always believed. 

By age 21, he had already created his first successful startup, which he then followed up with a succession of fruitful business ventures in the realm of media, events, and tech—all culminating in the launch of his online search platform, Menuale.  b18392b627684f1938a3074f436c2d44dedbd8db.jpg

However, after achieving all of this success, Luca (pictured right) reached a point in his thirties where he felt like his career had stagnated. 

“When you wake up and you're not happy to go to work, to me, it's the perfect time in your life to change something,” Luca says. 

Fortunately, a friend of his recommended pursuing an MBA at City, University of London's Bayes Business School. It was an experience that had improved his friend’s career prospects and the idea resonated with Luca. Not to mention, with London’s myriad of opportunities for networking, industry, and learning, the idea of studying in the UK’s capital held a strong appeal. 

But even more enticing, the MBA also offers alumni the opportunity to access one free elective module per year indefinitely. This prospect was particularly intriguing to Luca, whose career had been constantly evolving from one area to the next.  

Now, having more than trebled the profits of his startup and earned a role as senior partner of an investment company, it’s apparent that the Bayes MBA—and its lifelong learning courses—have helped to transform Luca’s career. 

What skills did you learn? 

With an undergraduate degree in history, Luca had no formal business education before enrolling at Bayes.

Consequentially, he found the solid grounding provided by the program in subjects such as economics and finance to be particularly useful. 

“The pure knowledge of the day-to-day, the ‘hardware’, is something that the MBA provided,” Luca says. 

While on the program, students study core modules such as Organisational Behaviour, Strategy, and Markets and Investments. 

Then, at the end of their second semester, they are required to complete a Strategy Consulting project: a three-month teamwork experience in which students perform strategic analysis on a company currently operating in the UK.

“[The project teaches you] to switch very rapidly from one thing to another,” Luca says. 

Beyond the curriculum, perhaps the most important aspect of the program for Luca was the diversity of the cohort—many of whom come from outside of the UK.  

“[I gained] an international mindset. I have several friends around the world, like in Brazil, in France, and in London,” Luca says.

Furthermore, for those looking to gain a more global business perspective, students can also opt to take international electives. These allow students to gain an in-depth understanding of how business works across the world by organizing tours and networking events in places such as the UAE, the Netherlands, and the Silicon Valley. 

What lifelong learning electives have you taken after your MBA?

After completing the MBA, Luca’s professional career experienced a complete renaissance. 

He went on to become a partner at Arc Consulting—an international consulting group—before taking up a role as senior advisor at the innovative fintech investment company, Azimut Direct.

Plus, he was also able to leverage his newfound financial skills to increase Menuale’s value.

“All of the technical modules on the MBA, like accounting and economics, were very helpful to me [to achieve this],” Luca explains. 

In tandem with his newfound success, he also felt the need to develop his skillset even further. Fortunately, having access to free electives through Bayes Lifelong Learning means that alumni can continually build on their knowledge in a dynamic business environment.  

He opted to enroll in both the Private Equity and the Mergers and Acquisitions (M&A) electives, each of which center on teaching core skills in strategy and finance, as well as technical knowledge regarding venture and buyout returns and Private Equity funding. 

“I took those electives because of my new career. I had to learn [more] about it,” he says.  

Other modules that alumni can choose from range in subject matter from sustainability, to marketing, to tech, and include cutting-edge electives such as Sustainability: Business Challenges and Opportunities, Behavioural Finance, and Competitive Edge with Digital Technologies. 

The opportunity to participate in lifelong learning also creates a great avenue for networking with new and previous cohorts—something which holds a strong return value for Luca.

“It's an opportunity to come back to London to catch up with some friends. So I will choose [to do] another elective,” Luca says. 

Undoubtedly, with how busy his life is now—managing multiple companies while juggling networking and travel—it’s likely that Luca will discover something new he wants to learn in future. 

For others considering embarking on the same journey, he says, “Do it. It’s a very high value [experience].”

Student Reviews

Bayes Business School




On Campus

Best Journalism school in Europe

When I first stepped onto the campus of City, University of London, I knew I was in for a ride - and not just on the Tube! With its vibrant energy and an impressive repertoire of programs, City U became my home away from home. The Journalism program was kind of a big deal. Rumour was that we were the best in Europe! The lecturers were not just experts in their field; they’re practically journalistic royalty. They were invested, passionate, and had a knack for turning the most flat press release into a riveting news story. With their guidance, I’ve learned to navigate the chaotic world of media like a pro. The campus was a melting pot of every culture, being that we had such a diverse international crowd. Being in the heart of London, I had the world at my fingertips - there was always a new corner to explore, a hidden gem of a cafe to discover, or a street performer! City, University of London wasn't just a university; it was a chapter in my life story that I’ll never forget.




On Campus

Learning environment

The teacher-learner ration is manageable, giving each learner a chance to gain personal attention. It is also easier following up on the progress of a student, as the numbers per class is not large. the conducive environment for learning includes clean classes, standard desks, world class instructional facilities and the opportunity to engage lecturers even after their sessions. The team spirit at City is above board, with learners getting chance to learn both from instructors and colleagues. This is the university of choice; the place to be.




On Campus


I liked that each class had a manageable number of learners, making the professor-learner ratio favor knowledge acquisition. I also liked that study schedules were manageable, and not overwhelming. The focus on talents and gifts even within the learning environment makes it possible for learners to achieve the best of their potential, and this has worked to the advantage of those that have schooled at City, University of London




On Campus


The diversity at City University facilitates interactions and is a direction toward the unity of the world. The classes are well built to match the number and needs of all students regardless of the elements of diversity that set people apart. The use of technology in delivery makes learning even more interesting and achievable. At City University there is no distinction pegged on the issues that make people unique.




On Campus


The team of lecturers at the Uiversity are well experienced. Their level of insight and the methodologies of delivery works for the interes of the leaeners. My learning experience was largely boosted by the level of knowledge of the professors at the institution, and their passion to transfer the same to learners. I appreciate every class I attended because of the level of insight I was able to gather




On Campus

The best university I’ve been to

The campus and the people I've met have made it a wonderful experience. I was reared in a small town with a graduating class of only 88 individuals, so moving to City University was a huge adjustment for me. My dorm has more residents than my whole high school combined! I enjoy the atmosphere here, and everyone is so friendly. Outstanding academic options and a stunning campus. Really great from beginning to end. The educators genuinely love what they do, and the students are ready to learn. On or around college, there is always something to do with friends, and the social scene is particularly warm.




On Campus

Bayes Business School

As a student at City university attending Bayes Business School I would totally recommend choosing this university as the experience is exceptional with great social networking opportunities . Professors are significantly helpful, delivering with excellence and professionalism. Everyone is happy to help and make you feel welcomed in such an esteem university as City, offering exceptional development and guidance through out the course.




On Campus

Economics and Politics

Incredibly amazing university, the way they polish students and help them boost their morale and think intellectually is worthwhile. Many universities have international partnerships to allow exchanges between their students. The most obvious subjects for these opportunities would be those that involve languages, and the study of people and places.




On Campus

Clinical biology

I really like it it’s perfect for me with not too many people and not too few either. All the modules are amazing. I love the toy bar. I love all the societies that I’ma part of. Especially the colour Bollywood society