And well they might. Bath MBAs can expect an average salary increase of 120% after graduation. 96% land new jobs within six months.
The one-year Bath MBA is ranked among the top 60 MBA programs in the world by the Economist, boasting a 11,000-plus alumni network which extends globally. The school’s network and reputation can serve as a real differentiator in the MBA jobs market.
Whether Bath MBA students are relocating internationally, switching career track, or exploring entrepreneurship and starting their own business, there’s plenty of reasons to be positive.
BusinessBecause caught up with two graduating Bath MBA students and firm friends—Lisa Solovieva and Joanna Borecka—to find out more.
Lisa Solovieva
Lisa studied social sciences at undergrad at the University of Bath before spending five years as an events coordinator in Bristol and London. For her summer MBA project, she worked for a local management consulting firm. She impressed and got a full-time job offer. She’s set to start work in her dream city later this year.
On choosing Bath… I completed my undergraduate degree at the University of Bath and had the most amazing, unforgettable experience, so the Bath MBA was a natural choice.
One of my favourite things about Bath and the University is the tightly-knit and supportive community here, where personal growth and life-long friendships are fostered. I feel very lucky to have been given the opportunity to live and study in this stunning city again.
On her MBA experience… The MBA has encouraged an ethos of continuous self-development throughout the duration of the programme and beyond, and certainly enabled a lot of personal growth. Our final summer projects gave us the opportunity to implement what we learned in practice; exposing us to real-life management challenges that required in-depth research to solve.
My individual project was a business development investigation for a local management consultancy based in Bath. I worked directly alongside the company directors and we quickly developed a great synergy that ended up turning into a post-MBA job offer!
On the future… My goal was always to work for an innovative management consultancy and stay in Bath after the course. Through the networking opportunities and exposure to leading local businesses, that’s precisely what the MBA enabled me to do. I look forward to seeing what my new future will bring!
Joanna Borecka
Originally from Poland, Joanna has a background in manufacturing, working for companies across the north of England prior to her MBA. She’s now considering whether to go for a manufacturing operations role, or to take the leap and start her own business.
On choosing Bath… I chose the Bath MBA because of the school’s position in the rankings and its location. Since coming to the UK from Poland in 2006, I’ve always lived in the north of the UK.
The north of England is brilliant for so many reasons and I still miss it, but I had no real understanding of the South of the country—Bath and its position in the rankings made perfect sense. I also looked for the right mix of students. Diverse work experiences (not a class of bankers!) and cultural diversity were really important to me.
On her MBA experience… The Bath MBA has been a remarkable journey! I have met amazing people from so many different countries and this experience of cultural diversity has taught me so much—how to work in cross-cultural teams, how to engage, connect, actively listen and observe when team members are using completely different body language.
The program has provided me with tools and skills to apply a genuinely objective and holistic view when researching and analyzing real business issues. It has added value to my ability to add value!
On the future… I have been considering two possible career paths. My main background is in manufacturing, mainly holiday homes and modular (prefab) housing, but also healthcare products. I am genuinely fascinated by operations, processes and customer satisfaction that empowered manufacturing teams can deliver. I would love to join a manufacturing company in an operations role.
The other, even more exciting, option is a modular management service that I and two other professionals with much greater experience in the modular building industry are currently working on. Watch the space for MMT (Modular Management Team). We have the know-how to open and run a modular factory for you!