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Online MBA With Big Data Analytics To Combat UK Skills Gap

We spoke to Jon Tepper, subject lead for Nottingham Business School’s Online MBA with Data Analytics, to find out more

Thu Jun 22 2017

Big Data is the buzzword for 21st century business. An estimated 2.3 trillion gigabytes of data are created each day. Demand for professionals with big data analytical skills is increasing at a rate of up to 23% each year.

A data analytics skills gap means many businesses fail to transform big data into meaningful, actionable intelligence. One in three business leaders don’t trust their data, according to IBM.

Nottingham Business School has launched an Online MBA with Data Analytics to provide students with highly desired big data analytical skills as well as holistic management skills essential for success in business today.

The 100%-online program is designed for working professionals; accomplished middle managers looking to take the next step in their careers. It costs £15,900* ($20,000).  Learn in your time at an affordable cost.

The learning style is experiential. Throughout the program, students apply their theoretical knowledge to solve live or simulated business problems relating to data analysis and the management of big data systems. In the MBA’s change management module, students work in teams on a consultancy project for a real firm.

Online MBA students benefit from Nottingham Business School’s links with over 800 companies worldwide. In 2015, 100% of Nottingham’s full-time MBAs were hired within six months of graduation.

BusinessBecause caught up with Jon Tepper, subject lead for Nottingham Business School’s Online MBA with Data Analytics, to find out more.

Why did you decide to launch the Online MBA with Data Analytics?

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The digital revolution has made data easy to capture and inexpensive to store.

Businesses are increasingly collecting data – around 20 terabytes-worth or more – about various aspects of their operation, services, customers, suppliers and competitors with the hope of finding useful information with which to gain a competitive advantage. However, many find themselves data-rich, yet information-poor.

The Online MBA with Data Analytics course is aimed at those business professionals who are aware of the need for their organization to better capture, manage and analyze its data in a strategic and secure manner. The course will equip students with the ability to address the gap many organizations have when it comes to managing and leveraging the value of big data.

How does your Online MBA provide students with the same level of interactivity as a traditional classroom-based course?

The course will be offered through a Virtual Learning Environment – open-sourced and based on the Moodle platform, providing a highly social and user-friendly experience. The use of discussion boards, group areas, and Q&A sections help students keep in contact and work collaboratively with their fellow students across cohorts.

We ensure that students contribute regularly to online discussions with their peers and to maintain a sense of community that engenders socio-constructivist learning.

What do you look for in your Online MBA applicants?

I would expect participating students to have intellectual curiosity, business acumen, and good communication skills. It is crucial for students to question everything, and embrace problem-solving using a variety of sources and integrating numerical techniques with high-level reasoning skills.

Also, it’s important for students to have a sound understanding of the industry they are working in, and the business problems their company is attempting to solve, as this is critical for analyzing the right data in the right way and at the right time.

What will participating students gain?

An MBA is seen as a passport to a successful management career. The course will enhance students’ management knowledge, leadership capabilities and global perspectives, enabling them to pursue a more senior career in business and to develop their strategic perspective on big data analytics.

Students will move through the well-proven Cross Industry Standard Process for Data Mining (CRISP-DM) methodology for data analytics. Initially, they will learn how to critically review their organization’s infrastructure for capturing and managing large volumes of data before applying CRISP-DM to develop their knowledge and skills for actually transforming and extracting information from data.

Finally, students will develop the key leadership and project management skills required to leverage value from big data innovations within their organizations. The market for those with big data analytics skills remains in a rapid expansion phase. The course will equip students to competitively enter this buoyant market.

*This price is correct at the time of the article’s publish date.




