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Is A Part-Time MBA Worth It?

Part-time MBAs allow you to advance your career without taking time off work, but the cost is often similar to full-time MBA programs. So is a part-time MBA worth it?

Tue Aug 18 2020


Part-time MBA | Career benefits

In the Graduate Management Admission Council’s (GMAC) latest Alumni Perspectives Survey, graduates from part-time MBA programs were asked how far they agreed that their degree prepared them for leadership positions and increased their earning power.

Alumni scored preparation for leadership positions 4.21 (out of five) and increasing earning power 4.12. 70% of alumni said the degree was financially rewarding and 89% said it was professionally rewarding.

Compared to full-time MBAs, fewer students on part-time MBA programs will change their careers completely, because their career goals and reasons for choosing the program are different. Yet the part-time MBA does have the capacity to change and accelerate your career if you so wish. 

James Makinde, for example, graduated from the Global Part-Time MBA at Alliance Manchester Business School and was promoted from his role with Shell to business development manager for new energies in West Africa.

Brittany, from Fox, landed a role with GSK shortly after starting the part-time MBA.

So, is a part-time MBA worth it?

Alumni see the value in a part-time MBA. It grants financial reward often in the shape of a promotion and many alumni are in agreement that it preps you for leadership positions.

If you’re unable or unwilling to take time out of the workforce to study a full-time MBA, and want to gain management knowledge that you can apply directly to your current role, then combining study and work through a part-time MBA program could be for you. 

Read Next:

Is An Online MBA Worth The Money?

Part-Time Vs Full-Time MBA: How To Choose Between The Two

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