University of Bath School of Management (MBA) News
International MBA Jobs: The UK's Border Is Open For Business
Despite new visa regulations, leading employers in the UK say that they want to hire more international MBAs. They offer greater diversity and are helping companies expand.
March 12, 2014 16:24
Why International MBAs May Have A Tough Time Finding Jobs In UK
New visa laws have made it harder for international MBAs to land jobs in the UK, say leading business schools. But MBA recruiters and schools are adapting, reports Seb Murray.
February 28, 2014 18:07
Inside View: Admiral Insurance
Hear from Executive Recruitment Manager Wendy Sleat on what MBAs can do to get hired at the leading UK-based insurance firm. And which business schools they like to pick from.
February 27, 2014 17:24
The Business School Building Boom: How Do MBAs Rate Their Facilities?
Business schools are spending millions developing their campus locations. But how do MBAs rate their facilities? The results are surprising - and have little to do with MBA Rankings.
January 27, 2014 18:55
US Schools Top 2014 MBA Rankings - But Global MBA Pay Doubles
US business schools came up trumps in the latest 2014 MBA Rankings. But graduate pay has doubled world-wide - good news for MBA Job prospects.
January 27, 2014 18:24
Pro Badminton Player Sees MBA Strategy Career As Final Play
Arak Bhokanandh was a consultant at top firms Accenture and Deloitte - and was a top-ten professional badminton player. But after a Bath MBA, he is aiming even higher.
January 22, 2014 18:35
International MBA Navigates Visa Laws, Lands Job At Intel In The UK
Many UK-based companies like Intel are adapting to via regulations and are eager to recruit international MBA students. For Russian-born Bath MBA Vladimir Brenner, it was reward worth the risk.
January 21, 2014 18:12
Bath MBA Sees Middle East As Final Entrepreneurial Challenge
Richard Peyer ran a motor-racing company, set-up two eCommerce businesses and has taken on a full-time MBA. But he sees the Middle East as his final entrepreneurial challenge.
December 14, 2013 14:08
Why MBA Rankings Are Less Important In Landing MBA Jobs
2013 MBA salaries show that high-ranking business schools don’t necessarily offer the best job prospects. We spoke to four MBA grads about whether MBA Rankings factored into their application choices.
December 10, 2013 17:56
Global Recession Gives Bath MBA Marketing Career In The UK
Juhi Bhatia grew up with her family's small stationary business in Moradabad, India. But after an MBA in the UK at Bath, she plans to make it big in the marketing industry.
November 27, 2013 16:05