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The George Washington University School of Business (GWSB)

According to Forté Foundation research, MBA programs are edging closer to gender parity, with 41% female students

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Do you dream of heading up your own real estate empire? These Online MBA real estate programs could be your ticket to to the top

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Benjamin Bush wrote 38 essays, submitted 36 recommendation letters, and spent $1,900 in MBA application fees, applying to 18 business schools! Here’s what he learned from the MBA application process

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Should you choose Europe or the USA for your Master in Finance? Find out the key differences in cost, MiF job opportunities, salaries, and more

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GWSB has 23 student organisations and clubs


There are 53,000 GWSB alumni


There are more than 15 concentrations students can choose


Students at GWSB can chose from 200 electives


The GWSB student population consists is 40+% female


50% of the GWSB student body comprises of international students


GWSB offers 29 study abroad programs across 18 different countries

Students may begin the program in the Fall, Spring or Summer semesters (August, January, or May). Generally students will take six credit hours per semester.
With the exception of the Business and Society Residency, all coursework is offered completely online. Cutting-edge, digital courses are organized into learning episodes and are comprised of videos, video cases, podcasts, animations, and other pre-recorded content in addition to traditional reading assignments. Students progress within each learning unit at their own paces, but must complete the learning unit by assigned target dates.
Two to three times during each course, students participate in guided live classroom sessions consisting of lectures, case discussions, and/or group activities. These live sessions are offered during evenings/weekends and are announced by the instructor at the beginning of each course. They also are recorded and made available to students within the digital platform. These sessions provide participants with real-time contact with faculty and other students. This mix of digital and live sessions maximizes learning and flexibility.
In addition to live classroom discussions, faculty are available to students during online office hours offered through the digital classroom platform. Office hours afford students the opportunity to interact informally with faculty and ask questions about course material and assignment feedback.

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Some Think Business is the Problem. We Think Smarter Business is the Answer.

By combining business and analytical skills with an ethical focus, we’re educating our MBA students on how to solve business problems that benefit their organizations as well as society.

Our location is not just where we are, it shapes who we are. Our MBA programs are embedded in the center of Washington, D.C., where the private, public, and NGO sectors meet and interact. For our students, it means an extraordinary opportunity to be involved in current international and national debates, engage with prominent global leaders and business executives, and project a clear and informed voice as they move forward in their careers.

Only in Washington, D.C., do so many students, working in so many sectors—federal government, private business, nonprofit, military, international firms—come together and collaborate so well. Our students bring their unique work and life experiences to the table, making for dynamic and diverse teamwork. This is a “who’s-helping-who”—not a “who’s-better-than-who”—learning environment. At GWSB, our MBA programs are designed to meet the needs of today’s students and specialization demanded in today’s job market. Our Global MBA is perfect for students who wish immerse themselves in a full-time, on-campus program where they study alongside and travel abroad with a cohort of peers. Our Professional MBA program gives working professionals the flexibility to complete their degree at an accelerated pace of 21 months or in up to 5 years. Additionally, Professional MBA students can take all of their courses on campus or elect to take some via distance learning in our Online MBA program.

For those interested in an Executive Education experience, the World Executive MBA program prepares high-level working professionals for the demands of the C-Suite, including cyber threats, in a 16-month, weekend-only format.

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Read the latest news from the GWSB MBA admissions blog. Students at GWSB share their experiences, whether it's about careers, life at GWSB, or the community that makes the school special.

Access the blog

Application Deadlines (2016/2017)

  • October 17th, 2016
  • January 4th, 2017
  • March 13th, 2017
  • May 1st, 2017

Essay Questions:

  1. Discuss why you are interested in pursuing an MBA at this point in your career (250 words), why GW—and the specific program to which you have applied—is the best fit for your MBA experience (250 words), and discuss how you will leverage both your professional and academic experiences thus far to achieve your post-MBA career goals (250 words). Dual/joint degree applicants should answer each topic with your specific degree experience in mind.
  2. Please answer three of the following six discussion questions. For each short answer, respond in a maximum of 100 words.

    -GW graduates use business to create positive, sustainable change. I make an impact by…
    -The best piece of advice I have ever received is…
    -GW students embody a global perspective. During my time as a student,
    -I plan to enhance my international outlook by…
    -I stand out in GW’s MBA applicant pool because…
    -With a location at the heart of Washington, DC, I plan to leverage GW’s strategic location by…
    -If I could do it over again, I would take advantage of…

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Application Deadline

Next Round: 4th, January 2017

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  • FT Ranking: 90
  • FT Ranking Global MBA: 90
  • Economist FT Mba RANKING: 84
  • Applicants Per Year: 590
  • Applicants Admitted Percentage: 45
  • Class Size: 99
  • International Student Percentage: 47
  • Female Percentage: 40
  • Scholarships Available: 63% of the global MBA class of 2013 received scholarships
  • Course Length: 21
  • Employed Graduates Percentage: 85
  • Salary Increase Percentage: 103
  • Average Gmat: 647
  • Course Fee: USD 90,000
  • Application Deadline: November (December, January, March)
  • Accredited: AASCB
  • Cost Per Application: USD 75
  • Average Age: 28
  • Average Work Years: 5 years
  • Businessweek Ranking: 59
  • Economist Ranking: 78
Total Program Credits: 52.5 credits
Required Courses: 34.5 credits*
Electives: 18 credits
Duration: 3 years
*Includes Business and Society, a required 1.5 credit on-site residency course, and a 1.5 credit Information Systems and Technology Management selective course.

GWSB Website


GW School of Business offers a wide array of merit-based scholarship and need-based loan opportunities. As you work to enhance your career or plan for a career transition, we will assist you in navigating available financial resources to help ensure that you can reach your educational goals.
Endowed Scholarships 
  • Oliver T. Carr, Jr. Scholarship - Endowed for graduate students in the School of Business interested in real estate.
  • The Carruthers Family MBA Scholarship - Reserved for full-time Global MBA program at the School of Business.
  • Mike Curzan Global MBA Fellowship - Graduate students pursuing an MBA with a preference for a student pursuing real estate or related studies.
  • Daewoo Endowment - For master’s and doctoral students who are citizens of Vietnam or China.
  • Di Galoma MBA Legacy Fellowship - An MBA scholarship for a student enrolled in the full-time Global MBA program at the School of Business.
  • Julius Fleischman Scholarship in Real Estate Studies - For a graduate student interested in real estate studies and its related fields.
  • Philip P. Friedlander, Jr. Scholarship in Entrepreneurship and Small Business Studies - For students in the School of Business with concentrations in entrepreneurship and small business studies.
  • Leo and Lillian Goodwin Endowment Scholarship - For MBA candidates.
  • Hyundai Scholarship Fund - For master’s and doctoral students who are citizens of South Korea or the U.S. and are in Information Systems Management, Management of Science, Technology and Innovation, Procurement and Contracting, and International Business.
  • Marvin L. Kay Fellowship - For a graduate student interested in finance.
  • Rita H. Keller Scholarship Fund - For graduate students interested in International Business
  • Poncelet Scholarship Endowment - For Belgian and EU citizens interested in Accountancy, Finance, Information Systems, International Business, Logistics and Material Management, Marketing and Science, Technology, and Innovation.
  • Washington Gas Light Company Scholarship - For MBA candidates

International Scholarships and Fellowships

The GW School of Business is proud to partner with the following organizations to help fund our students’ educations. 

  • COLFUTURO GW LOAN-SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAM - Global MBA applicants who hold Columbian citizenship
  • FIDERH/BANCO DE MEXICO SCHOLARSHIP - Global MBA applicants who hold Mexican citizenship
  • FUNED FELLOWSHIP - Global MBA applicants who hold Mexican citizenship 
Domestic Scholarships and Fellowships 
  • FORTE FOUNDATION FELLOWSHIP (female applicants only)