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Value Of An MBA In A Crisis | Adam Siegel

What is the value of an MBA in a crisis? We spoke MIT-Sloan graduate, Adam Siegel, who had a passion for sustainability in business in the wake of the 2008 global financial crash

Tue May 26 2020



What advice would you give to prospective students? 

Take as much time as you can while you're in school to look at your options. It’s a safe space to do that all-important networking and figure things out. Get to know as many people as you can. 

Don’t feel down on yourself if you don’t secure the exact job you wanted straight away. You can’t expect to get your ideal job right away in a fragile economy. There’s going to be more competition and fewer jobs––so be willing to be flexible. From what I’ve seen with a lot of my classmates who didn’t secure their ideal job role after graduation, three to five years later they were able to migrate into those roles with more versatile experience, too.  

The most important lesson you can learn is to always think of the longer-term perspective.  

Is now a good time to apply to business school? 

I think a lot of people's positions would probably make it difficult for them to consider it. Nonetheless, if you're entering the job market at a time where competition for jobs is especially difficult, but you have differentiated yourself with a degree from a good school, then it's more likely that you'll stand out and get the opportunity you're looking for. 

I feel so lucky to have an MBA from a top business school; it has put me in a really strong position going forward.

Main Article: Why Now Is A Good Time To Apply For Business School 





