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6 Tips For A Better LinkedIn Profile

Applying to MBA programs? Find out how to make your LinkedIn profile an asset, not a liability

Sat Oct 3 2020


Applying to a top MBA school is a competitive business, and admissions officers assess candidates stringently. During your application, you’ll have represented yourself in the best light possible, and many schools will look to social media for more information—and any potential red flags. 

For everything professionally-orientated, the network to be on is LinkedIn. An MBA is all about taking the next step in your career and so, to get an idea of your qualities as a candidate, LinkedIn is the first place admissions officers go. 

Here’s how to make sure your profile is an asset, and not a liability.

1. Revise your profile in light of your MBA application

This is not just for consistency: your MBA application presents the best you, and compiling it almost certainly required you to thoroughly assess your capabilities and professional achievements. Update your profile to show who you are to both the academic and professional worlds. 

2. Present your best and most authentic self

Just like your MBA application in general, you want to show yourself in the best possible light, while giving the admissions officers a glimpse of your personality. First impressions last: a strong, eye-catching headline for your profile is a must and a professionally-taken picture will pay for itself. 

Use your summary to provide a concise overview of the career path you’re on, but remember, a summary is not a CV. A terse list of dates and job titles is boring, while talking more about your passions, goals and life-changing experiences you’ve undergone will help the admissions officer get a sense of how you could use the skills and opportunities an MBA will give you. 

Don’t forget to demonstrate your volunteer work, hobbies and interests to give a more well-rounded view of who you are and what you care about. While you’re at it, review all your social media to ensure it all aligns with the public image of yourself you’re presenting.  

3. Contextualize your achievements

Remember to include academic achievements as well as professional ones, including any awards or honors. Be aware that admissions officers may not be overly familiar with your industry, company or country so explain why what you have done is important and impressive. Try to include figures wherever possible. However, keep it concise.




